Posisi jerawat dan sumber masalahnya pada bagian tubuh kita

sumber masalahnya seperti pada daftar berikut ini:

  1. Problem with the rectum;
  2. Issue with the sigmoid colon ;
  3. Problem connected to the liver;
  4. Health issue with the intestines;
  5. Health problem with the descending part of the colon;
  6. Issue with the left adrenal gland;
  7. Problem with the pelvic left kidney;
  8. Problem connected to the upper part of the left kidney;
  9. Health issue with the left lobe of the liver;
  10. Issue with the gallbladder (corpus vesicae felleae);
  11. Problem with the left part of the cross-colon;
  12. Issue connected to the pancreas;
  13. Problem with the bile and hepatic ducts;
  14. Health issue with the left kidney;
  15. Heart pathology;
  16. Problem with the urethra of left kidney;
  17. Issue with the left lobe of the liver;
  18. Disorder of the left milk (lactiferous) gland;
  19. Health problem with the left lung;
  20. Cardiac disorders;
  21. Problem with the bronchi in left lung;
  22. Issue with the diaphragm, rib layer;
  23. Problem with the lesser curvature;
  24. Health issue with the duodenum;
  25. Problem with the left adrenal gland;
  26. Problem with the left inguinal crease;
  27. Health problem with the left ovary in women and the left testicle for men;
  28. Disorder of the left milk (lactiferous) gland;
  29. Issue with the sacroiliac joint;
  30. Disorder of the left kidney;
  31. Issue with the big curvature of the stomach;
  32. Problem with the left pendant uterus with the ovaries, the left lobe of the prostate in the testis;
  33. Health issue with the bladder;
  34. Problem with the pelvic left kidney;
  35. Disorder of the pancreas;
  36. Issue with the left lobe of the thyroid;
  37. Problem with the left urethra;
  38. Health issue with the pyloric part of the stomach;
  39. Disorders of the uterus, lobes of the prostate, perineum;
  40. Disorder of the right milk (lactiferous) gland;
  41. Problem with the pyloric part of the stomach;
  42. Disorder of the right urethra;
  43. Issue with the gall bladder;
  44. Problem with the right lobe of thyroid;
  45. Issue with the pelvis of the kidney;
  46. Disorder of the right pendant uterus with the ovaries, the right lobe of the prostate in the testis;
  47. Problem connected to the small curvature of the stomach;
  48. Health issues with the right kidney;
  49. Problem with the right ovary of women, the right testicle of men;
  50. Disorder of the iliac lymph system;
  51. Health issue with the right adrenal gland;
  52. Problem with the intestines;
  53. Problem connected to the big curvature of the stomach;
  54. Disorder in the hormonal system;
  55. Signs of scleroderma;
  56. Problem with the intestines;
  57. Problem with the saber cartilage;
  58. Issue with the small curvature of the stomach;
  59. Issue with the big curvature of the stomach;
  60. Disorder of the right urethra;
  61. Problem with the bronchi in right lung;
  62. Disorder of the right milk (lactiferous) gland;
  63. Issue with the right lobe of the liver;
  64. Problem with the right urethra;
  65. Health issue with the right lung;
  66. Disorder of the right kidney;
  67. Signs of stagnation in the kidneys, kidney stones, kidney sand;
  68. Problem with the right part of the cross-colon;
  69. Infection of the kidney;
  70. Disorder of the right kidney;
  71. Problem with the body of the gallbladder with excretory ducts;
  72. Issue with the right lobe of the liver;
  73. Problem connected to the pelvis of the kidney;
  74. Disorder of the right adrenal gland;
  75. Health problem with the growing part of the colon (the ileocecal angle);
  76. Issue with the transverse colon;
  77. Problem with the appendix;
  78. Problem with the stomach;
  79. Health issue with the bladder;
  80. Problem with the genitals.


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